
Trends in Tobacco Use Study (TITUS)

TITUS is the latest study at Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science (TCORS), which aims to understand the use and health effects of specific e-cigarette products across populations. The addition of the TITUS cohort will identify tobacco product characteristics and marketing that influences adolescent into young adulthood (ages 14-24) during which tobacco use patterns are solidified.


Happiness & Health Study (H&H)

H&H is part of the Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science (TCORS), which aims to understand the use and health effects of specific e-cigarette products across populations. More specifically, the H&H study aims to identify novel risk factors for adolescent and young adult substance use and examine mental and emotional health, and other health behaviors.

Children’s Health Study (CHS)

CHS began in 1992 as one of the largest and most detailed studies of the long-term effects of air pollution on the respiratory health of children. Since then, the CHS cohort has joined the Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science (TCORS), which aims to understand the use and health effects of specific e-cigarette products across populations.


Trojan Pandemic Response Initiative (TPRI)

The Trojan Pandemic Response Initiative (TPRI) is a cutting-edge study on of the impact of the on-going SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Pandemic and Vaccination Campaign on USC students, staff and faculty that will generate real-time evidence of attitudes, behaviors, and infections acutely needed for USC to pursue strategies and policies to minimize new COVID-19 infections while the USC public health campaign, including vaccinations, continues.

LA Pandemic Surveillance Cohort Study

USC Schaeffer Center and USC Center for Population Health are collaborating with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health on a study aimed at generating data on changes in COVID-19 related attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. The study will follow as many as 3,000 county residents over time to better understand social inequities exposed by COVID-19 as well as other impacts of the pandemic.

Impact of COVID-19 on Cancer Care Delivery

The goal of this study is to evaluate the impact of ongoing changes in cancer care delivery due to the COVID-19 pandemic among diverse populations. The long-term goal of this study is to obtain knowledge that will help medical staff better serve cancer patients throughout the course of the current global pandemic.

The School Based Pandemic Response Interdisciplinary Navigation Teams (SPRINT)

The SPRINT project will assist California School Districts who have the most difficulty designing, accessing and operationalizing COVID-19 testing programs. The SPRINT project will form multidisciplinary teams of graduate students who will be deployed throughout the state to work in districts to ensure students have access to robust testing programs.


Acculturation Study

The Acculturation Study is a collaborative effort by the University of Miami and the University of Southern California to provide a more comprehensive and rigorous measure of cultural stress. This study aims to learn about cultural stressors from Hispanic youth in Los Angeles and Miami. This information will help explain how cultural stressors can predict alcohol, drug use and other risky behaviors.

The Stress in Adolescent Latinos and Urban Daily experiences (SALUDe) Study

The SALUDe Study will examine the effects of cultural stressors on alcohol/drug use and other risky behaviors via stress responses among Hispanic adolescents in Austin and Los Angeles Counties. The information we collect will help us find ways to help other Hispanic adolescents cope with stress.


Cancer and Aging Needs Assessment (CANA)

The CANA project will conduct a needs assessment to identify: 1) the most pressing needs of older adults with cancer who have been treated at Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and LAC+USC medical center and 2) to understand how physicians approach treatment decision making for their older patients with cancer. The overall goal of this project is to acquire information to improve tertiary cancer prevention and better serve the older adults with cancer.

Prostate Cancer in Latinos Study

This study is assessing the knowledge of Latinx men and their caregivers regarding prostate cancer and prostate cancer treatments and their attitudes towards their care. The goal of the study is to improve the quality of care provided to Latinx men seeking care for prostate cancer and their adherence to recommended treatments. To achieve this, we are assessing patients’ knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and health literacy about prostate cancer.


California Teens Project (CalTeens)

CalTeens is a state-wide study designed to explore California teens’ habits and opinions on cannabis. This study aims to understand whether proximity to recreational cannabis retailers and/or medical cannabis dispensaries is associated with higher teen access to cannabis and whether this perceived access increases cannabis use. It also aims to identify environmental and cultural resilience factors that counter the associations between cannabis proximity and use.